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Who we collaborate with
  • Freelance communities
    We help to run community events, structure communication and marketing, and share your message or to connect with our freelancers.
  • Organisations offering products or services to freelancers
    We create tailor-made marketing, communications and advertisement campaigns designed specifically for organisations goals and feature them as a sponsors at our upcoming events or community partners. Contact us for more details info@freelancebusiness.eu
  • Freelance jobs platform
    We connect freelance job platforms with freelancers and explain the value. We advertise job openings or connect with specific freelance profiles.
  • Freelancer business coaches or mentors
    We help boosting personal branding by featuring mentors and coaches at our events. Submit this quick form to let us know what you would like to talk about. We can further help to promote your services to a wider freelance community.
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Branding opportunities for partners
first ever
Freelance Business Book
We have collected for you the most thought-provoking, genius, actionable, outstanding, awesome, brilliant ideas from the most talented speakers that shared their wisdom during the Freelance Business Month. The book is available for branding.
first ever
Freelance Platforms Guide
Freelance Business is a nexus between freelancers, freelance job-givers, solutions and products providers targeting independent professionals. We connect and stimulate the freelance economy via global events, masterclasses and publications.

This upcoming publication Guide: Freelance Platform will be an overview of the existing freelance platforms, which list freelance jobs and where the job-givers (corporates) can list their vacancies and find talents. With the growing demand for freelance talents and an increasingly high number of the freelance platforms it is important to explain and clarify how one platform is different from another.

This Guide aimed to service HR, Recruiters and Talent search professionals and to help them orient in the wide range of platforms in Belgium.

The Guide will also include a list of international platforms to give a more valuable comparison to the international market. The Guide is available for branding.
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Special deals from our partners
  • Website and a Free Domain + 20 EUR discount on other services
    Launch your new Website and a Free Domain Name by becoming a member of Django.city for just €49 per year. Use AQ0MAAPX1V at checkout for a €20 discount. Click here.
  • 10% discount to NOMAWO membership
    10% discount of NOMAWO programmes - The Exclusive Network, Mentorship and Benefits Hub for Top Freelance Consultants. Apply here
  • Free invoicing solution
    Xolo Go allows for intuitive invoicing with automated accounting and instant payouts. Click here
  • 25% on The Change Mindset book by Cyriel Kortleven
    If you are in search of clues on HOW you yourself can keep up with the ever-changing world, then this bookazine is a must-read for you. Click here. Code: FREELANCEBUSINESS
  • Freelancing.eu membership
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